
NEPASCCA 2020 Season – Virtual Awards Ceremony

NEPASCCA will be holding a Virtual Awards Ceremony on Saturday March 6th at 4pm using Facebook LIVE on the NEPASCCA Solo Facebook page.   If you are not a member of this page, search for NEPA SOLO on Facebook and sign up.  We'll go through our 2020 awards and...

NEPASCCA Track Sprint Events coming up…..

NEPASCCA is holding our final Track Sprint of the year on Sunday October 25th at Pocono Raceway.  Click the link below for more information or to register for the event....

Solo Kickoff Pizza Meeting Cancelled

Due to the concerns over "unnecessary meetings of groups of people", we decided to cancel the Solo Kickoff Pizza Meeting that was scheduled for 3/25. Sign up for Event #1 at the Lycoming Mall and I'll buy you a slice there. Stay safe. Wash your hands.

2019 Season Award Winners Announced at the NEPASCCA Banquet

The 2019 NEPASCCA Awards Banquet was held on 2/1/20 at the Cherokee Tap Room in Danville and sponsored by “Solo Performance Specialties” at Congrats to all of the award winners below. Barry Sarr Solo Driver of the Year – Peter Ling Solo...

NEPASCCA Fall Pizza Party/Jacket Try-on Party 12/8/19

The NEPASCCA Fall Pizza Party/Jacket Try-on Party will be on Sunday December 8th at 4pm at Norm’s Pizza.  All Solo people are invited.  Pizza and beverages will be provided by NEPASCCA. If you won a jacket this year, this will be your opportunity to try on one of...

Solo Event #8 Date Change!

The date of NEPASCCA Solo Event #8 at the Mohegan Sun Arena has been changed from August 18th to August 25th.  The official schedule has been updated.

Solo Event #7 Date Change

The date of NEPASCCA Solo Event #7 at the Mohegan Sun Arena has been changed from July 21st to July 28th.  The official schedule has been updated.