Solo is the SCCA brand name for autocross competition. Solo events are driving skill contests that emphasize the driver’s ability and the car’s handling characteristics. This is accomplished by driving a course that is designated by traffic cones on a low hazard location, such as a parking lot or inactive airstrip. While speeds are no greater than those normally encountered in legal highway driving, the combination of concentration and car feedback creates an adrenaline pumping experience. It is like being in a movie chase scene, only you are holding onto the steering wheel instead of a box of popcorn! T.C. Kline, a well-known driver and car builder with over 20 years of autocrossing and road racing (both club and pro) experience, shared the following with us when asked about Solo. He made three statements that sum up his beliefs about it; the first one was, “Autocrossing stands on its own as a viable form of racing it doesn’t need to exist as an entry-level sport that leads to something else.” His second statement was an astute observation based on his years of involvement with a variety of racing venues. He said, “Autocrossers always make good road racers, but road racers do not always make good autocrossers.” This statement was supported by the third concept he shared, which was, “I consider Solo to be, arguably, the best place to learn car control.”

2024 NEPASCCA RedShift Competition Solo Series Schedule:
#01—04/20/24 — The District at Lycoming Valley, Pennsdale, PA (Click here to register for this event!)
#02—04/21/24 — The District at Lycoming Valley, Pennsdale, PA (Click here to register for this event!)
#03—05/26/24 — Mohegan Sun Arena, Wilkes-Barre, PA (Click here to register for this event!)
TNT—06/14/24 — TNT Regional Solo Pocono Infield South Course, Long Pond, PA
#04—06/15/24 — Regional Solo Pocono Infield East Course, Long Pond, PA (Click here to register for this event!)
#05—06/16/24 — Regional Solo Pocono Infield East Course, Long Pond, PA (Click here to register for this event!)
#06—07/14/24 — Mohegan Sun Arena, Wilkes-Barre, PA (Click here to register for this event!)
#07—07/23/24 — (Tuesday night) Pocono Infield East Course, Long Pond, PA (Click here to register for this event!)
#08—08/10/24 — LCCC, Nanticoke, PA (Click here to register for this event!)
#09—08/25/24 — Mohegan Sun Arena, Wilkes-Barre, PA (Click here to register for this event!)
#10—09/21/24 — Pocono Infield East Course, Long Pond, PA (Click here to register for this event!)
#11—09/22/24 — Pocono Infield East Course, Long Pond, PA (Click here to register for this event!)
#12—10/05/24 — The District at Lycoming Valley, Pennsdale, PA (Click here to register for this event!)
#13—10/06/24 — The District at Lycoming Valley, Pennsdale, PA (Click here to register for this event!)

**Online registration for all NEPASCCA Solo Events is handled through

Past NEPASCCA Solo Schedules:

2023 Solo Schedule
2022 Solo Schedule
2021 Solo Schedule
2020 Solo Schedule
2019 Solo Schedule
2018 Solo Schedule
2017 Solo Schedule
2016 Solo Schedule
2015 Solo Schedule
2014 Solo Schedule
2013 Solo Schedule
2012 Solo Schedule
2011 Solo Schedule
2010 Solo Schedule
2009 Solo Schedule
2008 Solo Schedule
2007 Solo Schedule
2006 Solo Schedule

Important Times to Remember:
Regular Season Events and Test and Tune Events (*Pocono Weekend Events are usually 1 hour earlier for everything):
—7:00am to 8:30am: Course Setup(if you want to assist in course creation)
—8:00am to 9:00am: Registration, Tech Inspection, and Course Walks
***Competitor must be in line for registration by 9am. Registration after 9am is at the discretion of the Event Chairman. Late fee will apply if approved. **
—9:45am: The REQUIRED Driver’s Meeting (all drivers must attend)
—10:00am: The first car is off the line!

***Please be sure to check this page before each event for any changes, updates, or cancellations.***

Important NEPASCCA Rules/Supplementals to Remember:
—Anyone under the age of 18 who wants to drive, passenger, work, or spectate needs to have a Minor Waiver filled out before or at the event. Parent or guardian signatures are required. You can get a Minor Waiver sheet at a NEPA Solo Event or download a copy from the downloads section of

—The NEPA Region has always been a shifter cart “unfriendly” region. Small lots and no local competitors made it difficult to approve and test shifters at our venues. As of 2014, we are slowly trying to change this. We will be working with other shifter cart regions to try and lay a foundation for shifters in the future. There is no ETA at this time for the full approval of shifters at our venues but we are working on it. As of today, shifter cart approval will be given on a “per driver and per event basis” but the following rules will be in place and will not be altered. #1 – The shifter cart driver must be at least 16yo and have a valid driver’s license for competition if the venue is approved. #2 – The venue and driver will have a much higher chance of approval if they have competed in National Tour or SCCA Pro Solo Events. #3 – All Pocono Raceway infield course events will have a shifter cart minimum age of 18yo with a valid driver’s licence.

—As of 2019, the SCCA no longer permits junior carts at any of our events.

—We normally run 4 heats throughout the day. Two morning heats and two afternoon heats. Each competitor will run one morning heat and one afternoon heat. You are required to work 1 of the 2 heats that you are not driving. Heat numbers and work assignments can be adjusted prior to the event based on high or low turnout.

—Course walking is available prior to the required 9:45am driver’s meeting and during lunch (if we take a lunch).

—Regular event fees are $40-$50 for SCCA members and $60 for non-SCCA members(Your $60 includes weekend membership to the SCCA). Special events or venues may require slightly higher entry fees. Those events will be online reg ONLY and the pricing will be listed there. Solo Chairs from other regions are welcome to run NEPASCCA Solo events free of cost. Chairs should email prior to the event to set up your registration instead of standard online reg.

—A non-SCCA member only needs to pay for their weekend membership once during a weekend event.  If the event is Friday/Saturday/Sunday, and the non-member pays for their weekend membership with their Friday registration, standard (lower) entry fees apply to their Saturday and/or Sunday registration.

—Year-end trophies, jackets, and awards are only provided to “Annual SCCA Members”. Event trophies are provided to all outstanding competitors once the cones and equipment are cleaned up.

—NEPASCCA Solo does online registration and walkup registration for most events.  Predicted higher turnout events may be ONLINE REG ONLY.

—NEPASCCA normally does not use a sound meter to check exhausts. Safety Stewarts and Event Chairs will decide if your car is too loud to run. A “one-time” refund will be available if you can not make the necessary adjustments to quiet your car.

—REFUNDS: Once your car trips the timer for your 1st run on course, you can no longer get a refund for ANY of your entry fee. If you register onsite for the event, but do not cross the start timing lights, you can get a full refund or full credit for that day. If you register online for an event but do not show up, you will be given a credit of your entry fee (minus $5 for administrative costs) for a future NEPASOLO event. If the event is listed as NO REFUNDS (as all Pocono infield road course events will be), there will be no refunds or credits given for that event.  Although credits and credit card refunds can be applied instantly, cash refunds may take some time to process.  Be patient as you await your check.   All unused credits or unclaimed refunds will be lost at the end of the Solo season.  We will not carry over credits/refunds to the next season.

—NEPASCCA has a few loaner helmets if you do not have one. We suggest that you do purchase your own.  Loaners may or may not be available due to COVID.  Email the event staff if questions.

—Passengers are allowed at NEPASCCA Solo events. Passenger must be at least 16yo and can prove so with an ID. Passengers are discouraged from using these ride-alongs to help them learn the course (unless the passenger is a novice). Event chairs have the right to prevent passengers or DNF a driver if “unfair advantage” is determined. Any passenger who is not registered for the event as a driver, must have our adult waiver signed or minor waiver filled out.  Both are available at each event.

—Any driver whose car leaves the lot/course area during a competition run due to driving recklessly or outside of their limits will be asked to leave the event without refund.



NEPASCCA Solo Chief Positions Defined:

Chief of Registration:
-Be at the registration table from start to finish (approx 8am to 10am)
-Assign assistants to aid with registration
-Set up registration tables.
-Ensure proper forms are filled out (Weekend members/registration paperwork/waivers)
-Ensure competitors are being entered properly in computer
-Assist with classing questions
-Check form inventory and request more from Chairman if needed.
-Verify competitor has credentials to drive (valid license, SCCA membership card, etc)
-Count money collected. Verify money matches entries.
-Be accountable for all money collected until turned over to Chairman at the end of registration with report on number of entries.
-Turn over computer to Chief of Timing for setup.

Chief of Timing:
-Accept computer from Chief of Registration and verify that all competitors have been entered properly
-Setup timing station (tables/start light)
-Position and line up timers on course. Ensure new batteries.
-Connect timers to laptop
-Ensure that the timing worker is ready to go at the beginning of the heat
-Ensure and train enough timing workers so that you do not have to end up working timing during a heat
-Be available throughout the day if timing problems that cannot be figured out by timing worker or available event staff
-Check times at the end of each heat to ensure all competitors have the proper number of runs logged.
-Print times at the end of 2nd and 4th heats.

Chief of Workers:
-Be at the registration table from start to finish (approx 8am to 10am) to assign workers.
-Be at timing trailer early for each heat to ensure assigned workers make it to their proper stations on time
-Be at timing trailer early for each heat to ensure that worker tools make it to each station. (radios/flags/extinguishers/cones)
-Be at timing trailer at the end of each heat to accept radios from workers
-Be at timing trailer at the end of the event to count and collect all worker tools (radios/flags/extinguishers/brooms)
-Check inventory of worker tools at each event and request from Chairman if tools need repair or replacement
-Instruct/coach/assist workers as needed (course/timing/grid/etc)

Chief of Tech:
-Ensure that all competing vehicles receive a technical inspection.
-Be available during the day to make judgment if a damaged car can safely continue competition.
-Occasionally watch vehicles performing on course and deal with mechanical issues that can turn into safety issues
-Set up tech station or roam to complete tech for each car.
-Check for loose suspension/engine bay parts/excessive leaking/bad tires (threads, bubbles, snow tires)/bent wheels/unsecured items in car/Helmets
-Make sure cars have the proper window sheets and have been signed off by the proper people.
-Have a jack and jack stands available for more detailed inspections if necessary.

Chief of Novice:
-Provide assistance for new competitors throughout the day whether that be basic questions or driving/coaching instruction.
-Handle the cone penalty and worker instructions after the drivers meeting
-Hold a novice walk after the drivers meeting

Other Chief Rules:
-Chiefs from the previous season have first chance at maintaining that position for the next season.
-You must attend at least 80% of the scheduled events to maintain your chief status
-Chief benefits can change year to year. See the Solo Chair at the beginning of each season to see what benefits are available.


Welcome to the 2024 NEPASCCA RedShift Competition Solo Points Series!

Past NEPASCCA Solo News:

Past Solo News

2024 NEPASCCA Redshift Competition Solo Series Results:
#01—04/20/24—RESULTS—All TimesClass TimesFast TimesPAX Times
#02—04/21/24—RESULTS—All TimesClass TimesFast TimesPAX Times
#03—05/26/24—RESULTS—All TimesClass TimesFast TimesPAX Times

NEPASCCA A&A Auto Parts Regional Solo Combined Results (June 15 and 16)
Class TimesFast TimesPAX Times

#04—06/15/24—RESULTS—Class TimesFast TimesPAX Times
#05—06/16/24—RESULTS—Class TimesFast TimesPAX Times
#06—07/14/24—RESULTS—Class TimesFast TimesPAX Times
#07—07/23/24—RESULTS—Class TimesFast TimesPAX Times
#08—08/10/24—RESULTS—Class TimesFast TimesPAX Times
#09—08/25/24—RESULTS—Class TimesFast TimesPAX Times
#10—09/21/24—RESULTS—Class TimesFast TimesPAX Times
#11—09/22/24—RESULTS—Class TimesFast TimesPAX Times
#12—10/05/24—RESULTS—Class TimesFast TimesPAX Times
#13—10/06/24—RESULTS—Class TimesFast TimesPAX Times

2024 Season Points Totals:
2024 NEPASCCA Redshift Competition Solo Series Season Points– All 2024 Season Points
2024 NEPASCCA Redshift Competition Solo Series Season Points Winners– Trophy 2024 Season Points
2024 NEPASCCA Redshift Competition PAX Championship Points– PAX 2024 Season Points

2024 NEPASCCA Solo Series Class Championship Rules:
–In order to be eligible for a “class trophy” at the end of the season, you must be a current annual SCCA member (not a weekend member), have completed all of your “work assignments” throughout the season, and have run your car in the class best suited for your car in the required minimum number of events. If we run 10-11 events, you need to show up and run in 6 events. If we run 12-13 events, you need to show up and run in 8 events. If we run 14-15 events, you need to show up and run in 10 events. If your regular competition car is “broken”, you can run a “temporary replacement” car in your class a maximum of 2 times as long as the “replacement car” is equal in class or a bump up from a slower class. Although NEPASCCA will allow slower cars to “bump” up as high as they want to a different class, the “bump up” should follow the SCCA’s bump ruling in the handbook and your car should be legal for the class you are bumping to (for example in 2012, 89-91 Honda Civics are no longer allowed to compete in STX even though it appears to be a legal bump) or no year end trophy will be awarded to that driver.
–It is the duty of each competitor to check the rule book regularly to ensure that their vehicle is legal for the class they are competing in. If a valid protest occurs requiring NEPASCCA to change your vehicle from the illegal class to a proper class, we will not move any accumulated points prior to the protest, to your new and proper class. If you made it through enough events to trophy in class with an illegal car without protest(or if you accumulated enough points to trophy before a protest), you will still trophy. Your class competitors should have protested earlier. Besides safety, rules are “competitor policed” in the SCCA. The “Class Champion” is decided by the driver who has the most number of points at the end of the season from your 7 or 8 (depending on how many total events we ran) best events. If there is a tie, we will add your points from your 9 best events and so on until we reach the total number of events for the season. If still a tie, we will add up all of your PAX times for the season and the lowest PAX time will be given the title of “class champion.” Points are distributed per event in the following order: 10 points — 1st 8 points — 2nd 6 points — 3rd 4 points — 4th 2 points — 5th 1 point — 6th or more

Past NEPASCCA Solo Results:
2023 Solo Results
2022 Solo Results
2021 Solo Results
2020 Solo Results
2019 Solo Results
2018 Solo Results
2017 Solo Results
2016 Solo Results
2015 Solo Results
2014 Solo Results
2013 Solo Results
2012 Solo Results
2011 Solo Results
2010 Solo Results
2009 Solo Results
2008 Solo Results
2007 Solo Results
2006 Solo Results
2005 Solo Results
2004 Solo Results