03/29/2006 News

The General/Member Meeting on 4/4/06 will be the beginning of a series of educational meetings for individuals in the NEPA region. This particular meeting will be about “Preparing a Car for the Racing Season”. Long time member and current RE will be...

03/29/2006 Events

-Solo2 Events #1 and #2 will occur in April. Event #1 will be on April 2nd at a beautiful brand new lot for the NEPA region located just outside of Williamsport. Event #2 will be on April 30th at the Schuylkill Mall. Come out to either of the events for a fun day of...

03/28/2006 News

HI all, I have made a DVD on Giants Despair Hill Climb that played at the SCCA Round Table that BRM hosted in Reading, Pa this weekend. I had very good feedback on it and have 15 ordered so far. It is for sale for $20 plus shipping cost. If anyone were going to the...

03/20/2006 Events

The first event of the 2006 Solo2 Series, previously scheduled for 3/25/06, has been postponed till April 2, 2006. We apologize for this last minute notice but the postponing was beyond our control. -Jeremy Sereyka (Solo2...

03/19/2006 News

On March 26th from 2-5pm, a mixer will be held at the Brass Rail on Route 309 south of Wilkes-Barre, PA. In attendance will be the Mayor of Laurel Run, Laurel Run Fire Company members, community members and NEPA board members. The purpose of the mixer is to begin the...